There are times at which the Social Security Administration is moved by compassion to process a claim more quickly than might be expected. In the paragraphs below, an experienced Chicago SSD attorney looks at some of these cases.
Processing Takes Time
Despite the Social Security Administration’s best efforts, there are thousands of cases that must be processed on a daily basis. Given the procedures involved and the enormous number of cases in progress, the time required to review and process each claim is often considerable.
Types of Special Cases
There are, however, situations whose circumstances require special consideration, and these can be granted priority.
Terminal Illness, or TERI
This is a case in which the patient has been diagnosed with an illness for which there is no cure. Such illnesses include Stage Four Kidney Disease, Lou Gehrig’s Disease or amyotropic lateral sclerosis, pancreatic or liver cancer and certain forms of lung cancer. Such a patient’s physician, his Chicago SSD attorney or immediate family members can bring his or her case to the SSA for expedited processing.
Compassionate Allowance
These are cases that are found in the Listing of Impairments and are normally recognized when the application is filed. Claims for conditions that are found in the Listing are nearly always approved under 20 CFR Appendix 1 to Subpart P of Part 404.
Dire Need
In a dire need case, the patient is suffering under severe and demonstrable hardship such that it becomes a matter of humanity that the claim be processed as quickly as possible. It may be a profoundly severe medical or psychological condition such that the individual’s safety or life is threatened either by extreme depression or suicidal tendencies; it may be insufficient food or funds to purchase food at the survival level; it may be loss of any form of housing to the degree that the patient is rendered homeless due to foreclosure or other disaster; or it may be a debilitating or chronically worsening illness or other medical condition. The severity of the situation must be clearly shown if the claimant’s hearing is to be accelerated. Assistance from an experienced Chicago SSD attorney will be of extreme importance in such a situation.
If You Are in Need Contact A Chicago SSD attorney
If you meet the specifications shown in any of the categories listed above, you may be able to apply for an accelerated handling of your claim. Don’t hesitate to seek help now. Contact Chicago Disability Law, your Chicago SSD attorney, by calling us today.