A Chicago disability lawyer at Chicago Disability Law often sees people making mistakes with medical care. When you are seeking disability benefits, it is important for you to avoid the most common errors.
Common Mistakes
The biggest mistake people tend to make is not getting medical care for their disabling condition. Thorough and recent medical records are often necessary to establish that your condition prevents you from working. Make certain to see your doctor regularly, and when you do, you need to make sure to tell them all of your symptoms. Do not concentrate on the condition causing you the most problems, but report all of your medical problems. Under the law, the Social Security Administration must consider all of your conditions together when determining your ability to work.
Mental Health Conditions
It is very common for those who are disabled and unable to work to develop co-occuring mental health issues, including anxiety or depression. If you develop mental health problems, it is important for you to also seek treatment for those as well. They will also be considered in your disability determination.
Chronic Health Conditions
Some people who suffer from a chronic health problem become cynical about the medical care they have received and stop going. This is a bad idea both medically and legally. Chronic conditions require regular and ongoing care. Not only will avoidance hurt your health, but the Social Security Administration may decide your condition is not as bad as you reported if you stop seeing a doctor. Similarly, people sometimes stop going to their doctors because they are afraid the doctor will say their condition isn’t disabling enough, but if you do this and fail to get the treatment that could enable you to work, your application may be denied.
Contact a Chicago Disability Lawyer
When you are apply for disability benefits, it is important that you go to all of your medical appointments and also seek legal help. To speak with a Chicago disability lawyer, call us today.