gavel book flag Disability Lawyers in ChicagoOur disability lawyers in Chicago understand well that the Social Security Administration can be difficult to convince when a claimant is filing for benefits based on a back injury. Back injuries are easily the most claims made to the SSA, and back injury claims are also the most difficult to win without strong medical evidence. In addition, the injury can also create emotional problems for the claimant that increase back pain level. Even if SSA refuses to recognize the additional impact, mental health issues are part of the claim. This potential situation is exactly why it is important to have experienced and effective disability lawyers in Chicago.

Proving a Back Injury Disability

Your disability lawyers in Chicago will realize when they will need extra documentation to support your claim of inability to work. Disability claims are really claims that the applicant cannot maintain suitable employment because of medical issues, including emotional distress. Internal back injuries that are supported by minimal medical evidence are the most difficult cases to win because the SSA knows that most of their approvals will be total and permanent. Back injuries, which are almost always permanent, can also be very complicated combinations of internal problems that require your disability lawyers in Chicago to prepare a comprehensive medical presentation.

Emotional Overlay

Even if your primary health issue is back pain, all other medical issues can also be added to calculate a percentage of disability. This determination includes mental health issues associated with not being able to earn a living by regular employment. Luckily, there is significant medical research to support the fact that pain from back injuries can also be impacted by emotional health. All experienced disability lawyers know that it is very important to leave no stone unturned when presenting your disability case, and emotional health problems can increase pain even when internal medical evaluation is insufficient to support a single back pain claim.

Contact Disability Lawyers in Chicago

Anyone in the Chicago area with a difficult back pain injury should contact the disability lawyers in Chicago for a comprehensive case evaluation.